Most people have several interpersonal relationships in their lives whether romantic ones, friendships, or familial relationships. Everyone has someone they love or care about deeply in some way. Unfortunately, not all relationships are healthy and in fact there are many very unhealthy relationships out there. If you’ve ever been in an unhealthy relationship, you know how mentally and emotionally taxing they can be. They can even take a toll on your physical health. Unhealthy relationships should be avoided at all costs, and you should strive to have healthy ones as they can be very fulfilling and add so much joy to your life. Here are 3 simple tips for having healthy relationships.
Leave When You Need To
When you find that a relationship no longer serves you, it is OK to leave the relationship and move on from that person. This goes for friendships as well as romantic relationships. Knowing when to leave before resentment grows and things get worse is actually the best way to show respect for everyone involved. This is especially true for marriages. The topic of divorce can be a scary one, depending on what type of situation you are in.
For example, getting a military divorce can be extremely hard because you may be in a position where you are living far away from your support system. Just remember that ultimately divorce is what is best for both of you and is actually an act of love in many cases.
Good Communication
Everyone communicates differently, but learning how to communicate well with the person that you love is one of the best ways to ensure that your relationship with them is a healthy one. If they do something that bothers you, you should always tell them right away so that it doesn’t turn into an ongoing problem. Also remember that an important part of good communication is listening, so be sure to listen just as much if not more than you speak.
Quality Time
It may seem obvious, but a very helpful tip for any relationship is to make sure you spend time together. Even if you both have busy schedules, it is important to set aside time to talk and spend quality time without anyone else around. Whether this is once a week, once a month, or just whenever you can fit it in, make time together a priority. It is too easy to become disconnected from someone we love because of a lack of time together.
Relationships are hard work, but so worth it. As human beings, connection with other humans is something we all crave. Hopefully these tips will help you to have healthier and more fulfilling relationships with the people you love moving forward.
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