If you’re on a weight loss journey of your own, chances are that you’re hopeful that you’ll see the results that you want. Whether you’ve always wanted to lose the weight, or it’s a new goal as a result of recent weight gain, the fact still remains that you’d like to shed a few pounds.
However, weight loss isn’t always straightforward. Unfortunately, there are many mistakes you can make that can get in the way and consequently totally sabotage your efforts. Recognizing these early on, or even before you do them at all is the best way to achieve your weight loss goals. To help you stay on track, here are four common weight loss mistakes you may be making already.
Restriction Diets
There are all sorts of diets out there with that involve cutting out entire food groups. And while these may be effective short term, cutting out important nutrients from your diet forever is not sustainable. In other words, it’s okay to skip out on carbs for a few weeks, however, you can’t leave them out of your diet forever, or you’ll be missing out on essential nutrients for your body’s health. Not to mention, that when you reintroduce carbohydrates to your body, your body is going to hang on to them for dear life and you may notice a significant spike in your weight.
Overestimating Workout Calories
Many people rely on weight loss apps like MyFitnessPal to help them count calories and log their exercise. When counting categories, it’s typical to add some of the calories back in that you earn back from working out, also known as a “deficit.”
However, some people significantly overestimate the total calorie burn of their workout, and overeat more than they should. As such, they totally negate their calorie deficit, and don’t see any weight loss whatsoever. This can be frustrating if you’ve been working hard to see a change. When in doubt, underestimate before you overestimate.
Drinking Calories
One of the most common mistakes people make is underestimating the amount of calories that are in drinks. Even something deemed “healthy” like orange juice can pack a significant amount of calories. However, OJ alone isn’t where it stops. Practically everything has calories in it if you look closely enough. A smoothie for example can be as many calories as a full-fledged meal, so be careful when drinking liquids!
Only Focusing on Weight
Just because the number on the scale isn’t going down doesn’t mean you’re not making progress! Rather than focusing on the number alone, also focus on your measurements. Are your pants looser? Do you feel firmer? Sometimes you’re simply transforming your fat into muscle, and weight has nothing to do with that! Keep going and don’t give up!
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