As parents, sometimes we spend so much time taking pictures of our kids that we forget to take pictures of ourselves. And while it’s wonderful to have snapshots of our children as they grow, it’s also important to make sure you capture your family as a whole!
The great news is that you don’t have to break the bank on an expensive professional photo shoot either. Nowadays smartphones come equipped with impressive cameras, some of them even boasting portrait mode.
With the right setup and a few photography tips, you can have a photoshoot of your very own leaving people asking which professional photographer you used. All it takes is a tripod and a little bit of savoir-faire. Here are some of the best tips for getting the most out of your DIY family photo shoot.
Set The Scene
The first thing you need is a solid “mise en scene”. In other words, you need to create a set for your photo shoot. The type of background you choose will entirely depend on your family style. For example, perhaps the park would be fitting, or in front of a lake. If you’re photographing younger children, especially infants, the living room is usually a great place to hold your shoot.
Since many babies are still unable to sit up on their own, propping them up on a beautiful leather chair, or sitting down with them on your lap is a practical and visually appealing way to pose. Ideally, there should be no clutter behind you or distracting objects.
For inspiration, you might want to look at a few influencer Instagram accounts. You’ll notice that usually, the backgrounds are quite simple yet effective.
Choose The Right Time of Day
While professional photo studios may have expensive lighting and fancy equipment, the truth is the best lighting for a photo shoot is always natural light. Lucky for you, natural light is free and doesn’t require buying anything.
However, to make the most out of natural light, you have to make sure that you choose the right time of day for your shoot. The “golden hour,” also known as right before sunset or after sunrise will give you the warmest and softest illumination that can really make for a magical image.
Make Sure Everyone is In The Mood
Unfortunately, family life can be unpredictable, and it can be difficult to try and photograph everyone if one of your family members is feeling particularly cranky. Sometimes this could be an adult, but usually, it’s one of the kids. So make sure that everyone has had their snacks, they’re well rested, and they’re ready for at least 20 minutes of posing for the camera. If you try to get a photo shoot done when someone isn’t feeling it, you’ll wind up with strained smiles, and an awkward end result.
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