No matter what type of lifestyle you may lead, if you experience any sort of trauma it can be really difficult to get through. You will ultimately have to go on your own journey to find a healing process that works for you, as everyone is different. But there are certain things you can try that have worked for many others who have experienced trauma. Here are 3 ways you might consider trying to heal your mind, body, and soul after you yourself have a traumatic experience.
Self Care
Self-care may be an obvious answer if the question is “what can you do to heal after trauma?” But not everyone may understand what self-care means. The truth is it will look different for everyone. For some people, the best form of self-care may come from going to the spa or having a nice spa day at home with a hot bath and extended skincare regimen. For others, self-care could be vegging out on the couch and watching TV or movies all day while cuddling with dogs or cats. Caring for yourself can mean reading a good book, listening to music or podcasts, window shopping, or spending time with your family. It’s basically just whatever makes you happy. The fact of the matter is that spending time caring for and loving yourself can help heal your mind and body after a bad experience – so make sure to make time for yourself to do that.
Therapy is quite common these days, both for people who have been through something traumatic as well as those who haven’t, but just need some extra support. Don’t ever be ashamed or embarrassed to go to therapy at any point in your life. No matter what you’re going through, if you find the right therapist they will be able to help you if you give it a chance. And remember, whatever you say or what happens during therapy is confidential and is between you and your therapist – so you can be yourself and tell your truths so that you can really finally heal.
Personal Relationships
Though it is true that healing must ultimately come from within, outer factors such as personal relationships can really help with our healing journeys after we have been through traumas. Having people by your side (whether friends, family members, or a significant other) who love you and know you, and are always willing to listen to you and talk to you can be extremely helpful during the healing process.
Trauma can be pretty horrific and in all seriousness, can alter the course of one’s life. But the good news is that no matter what you have been through, there are ways to heal from it. Try the things on this list to see if they can help you, and best of luck on your healing journey.
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